Monday, May 14, 2007


My name is Ian Barkley, and this is my weblog. I am a commercial photographer who is willing to shed some light on the often too secretive world of advertising photography. As someone who has been in the business for 12 years, and has seen nearly all facets from fashion editorial, news / entertainment editorial, stock licensing, catalog work, and advertising photography, I hope this blog is a source of information to newcomers that should not feel overwhelmed at the lack of GOOD information about the business aspects of photography.

I have been on A List celebrity staffs as personal photographer, licensed hundreds of images through Getty Images, made many large photodeals resulting in several $50,000+ /image sales, and my work has appeared in every type of media in almost every country. I know what you are asking - "Why does my name not ring a bell". The truth is, I could care less about the intense PR efforts that surround many photographers, and I could care less about a big agent. I have a great quality of life, a great family, and I am happy with where my career is. THAT IS LESSON #1.......What do you want out of your career? A big check, stability while continuing to express artisticly, fame or recognition?

This blog will discuss my day to day as a photographer, the industry practices / pricing, retouching trends and techniques, equipment, and other insider tips to the world of commercial and advertising photography. Stay tuned....

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